Regional Dance America presents the National Training Program

to provide dancers a unique opportunity to train with world class faculty in RDA’s signature trusted environment.


RDA’s National Training Program (NTP) is a two-week intensive featuring daily technique classes, repertory classes, and engaging workshops. The NTP allows dancers to delve into all areas of their technique to learn, grow, and improve. The experience will culminate with a final performance. The 3rd NTP will take place at Wright State University’s Creative Arts Center.

Develop your technique with the National Training Program’s world class faculty in a focused and inspired environment. Experience the 2025 RDA National Training Program June 16 – 28!

2025 National Training Program Dates

Arrival Day
Sunday, June 15, 2025
The National Training Program officially begins with dinner and a residence hall meeting in the evening.

Showcase Day
Saturday, June 28, 2025 — Showcase Performance
The Showcase Performance begins at 2:00pm. Family and friends are invited, and guest tickets may be purchased within your registration.

Departure Day
June 29, 2025
In order to accommodate everyone’s travel schedules, please arrange your departure travel in the morning or early afternoon.

Are you ready for an amazing experience this summer?

Please click to expand any of the following tabs to learn more and get involved in this summer’s National Training Program!


RDA’s National Training Program offers dancers from across the nation a unique opportunity to train with world class faculty in our signature trusted environment. Daily technique classes in such genres as ballet, pointe & variations, modern, jazz, hip hop, and ballroom will occur daily in addition to repertory class, and engaging workshops. The experience will culminate with a final performance.


Dancers must be at least 12 years of age and studying dance at an intermediate to advanced level.

RDA Associates
All RDA Dancers receive automatic acceptance to the National Training Program and may register at any time. RDA Dancers may apply for scholarship consideration through RDA’s Online Scholarship & Recruitment Process.

Tuition, Food & Housing . . . . . . . $2000


Online Registration:

Registration site opens January 10, 2025
Registration site closes May 30, 2025

Non-RDA Dancers
We have a brief online application for you to complete since you are not affiliated with Regional Dance America. Items needed for application include:

  • Personal information, contact information
  • Headshot and photo in first arabesque
  • Dance video reel link
  • OPTIONAL: letter of recommendation, resume/CV

The online application includes a non-refundable $45 application fee. A fee waiver program is available.
Tuition, Food & Housing . . . . . . . . . . . $2200


Online Application & Registration:

Application portal opens December 16, 2024
Application portal closes April 30, 2025 (or when all spaces are filled)


Registration site opens January 10, 2025
Registration site closes May 30, 2025


2025 National Training Program Director to be announced soon!


2025 National Training Program Faculty to be announced soon!

Sample Schedule

Below is a sample schedule to give you an idea of what your days will look like at the NTP. Please be mindful that schedules are subject to change.

  • Sunday, June 15:  ARRIVAL DAY for participants staying on campus
  • Monday, June 16 – Saturday, June 21:  DANCING DAYS week #1
  • Sunday, June 22:  BREAK DAY with supervised activities (no dancing)
  • Monday, June 23 – Saturday, June 28:  DANCING DAYS week #2
  • Saturday, June 28:  SHOWCASE PERFORMANCE DAY with abbreviated schedule
  • Sunday, June 29:  FINAL DEPARTURE DAY for participants staying on campus

NTP Dancer Sample Schedule

8:00 – 8:45am Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30am Ballet Class
10:45am – 12:00pm Pointe/Variations Class
12:20 – 1:20pm Lunch
1:30 – 3:00pm Dance Class (modern, jazz, contemporary, ballroom, etc.)
3:15 – 4:45pm Small Group Technique Sessions*, Seminars, and/or Break
5:00 – 6:30pm Repertory Rehearsal
6:30 – 7:20pm Dinner
7:30 – 8:30pm Attend the RDA National Choreography Intensive nightly informal performances

*Each dancer will be assigned to several small group technique sessions throughout their time at the NTP. The focus of these sessions will be to work on a ballet technical element with the NTP Director in a small group setting. There will be a short break following the technique session for rest and relaxation, reflection, and hydration and fueling before the final rehearsal of the day. On the days the dancer is not assigned to a small group technique session, a longer break is extended to the dancer. Additional short dance-related workshops will be offered in the afternoons (examples include injury prevention, resume building, and career paths in dance).

Tuition, Food & Housing

  Tuition Meals & Housing Total
    RDA Dancers $1,200 $800 $2,000
    Non-RDA Dancers $1,400 $800 $2,200

Additional Fees

  • Mandatory: A nonrefundable registration fee of $75 is due at the time of registration to officially reserve your spot in the NTP.
  • Optional: On the last day of the NTP, the dancers will take part in the showcase performance at 2:00pm. It is open to family, friends, teachers, and the public, and tickets are $10 per guest. Please include the number of guest tickets your party requires within your NTP online registration.
  • Optional: Ground transportation to and from Dayton International Airport is $60 ($30 one-way). This optional fee may be added on within your NTP online registration.
  • Optional: Linen Sets are available to rent within your NTP online registration, if you do not wish to bring your own linens with you for your dormitory room.
  • Optional: NTP merchandise options (with prices listed) are available for purchase within your NCI online registration.


RDA is thrilled to present the National Training Program at Wright State University.

Wright State University

Wright State University’s Dayton Campus in Fairborn is located 8 miles and 15 minutes east of downtown Dayton. Wright State University annually serves more than 11,000 students and offers 315 undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and professional degree programs through five colleges and two schools. The university also operates a branch campus, Wright State University–Lake Campus, on the shores of Grand Lake St. Marys in Celina, Ohio. Wright State University was named to honor aviation pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who invented the world’s first successful airplane in their Dayton bicycle shop. In fact, the Wright brothers conducted most of their early test flights at Huffman Prairie, just a short drive from the Dayton campus!

Creative Arts Center

The beautiful, newly renovated Creative Arts Center houses the Wright State University Department of Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures. The facility includes classroom and faculty spaces, two concert halls and two theaters that provide settings for plays and dance performances; concerts by the orchestra, chorus, and several instrumental groups; and other performances and exhibitions by visiting artists as well as students and faculty. The Creative Arts Center boasts a state-of-the-art playhouse presenting dramas, musicals, and dance concerts. It offers excellent sight lines and acoustics in an intimate atmosphere. The playhouse features a large main stage comparable to many Broadway and regional theatres, offstage wings and storage areas, and a hydraulically adjusted orchestra pit. The handicap-accessible auditorium seats 376 on the main floor and in the balcony.

The Woods: Dormitory Facilities

Wright State University’s The Woods is a group of fully furnished co-ed residence halls featuring dorms with suite-style bathrooms. Two to four participants will share a bathroom (which comes furnished with a shower curtain, bath mat, and toilet paper). The Woods is a short walk to the Creative Arts Center (dance facilities) and Allyn Hall Hangar (meal facilities).


Rooms in The Woods provide participants with:

  • Twin X-Long mattress and bed frame (linens are NOT included)
  • Chest/dresser with 2 drawers
  • Stand-up wardrobe with 2 drawers and 50” long mirror
  • Desk with desk chair
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator
  • Air conditioning
  • Hand soap and small hand towels

Policies, Contacts & Checklists

Dress Code

  • For ballet classes: Solid colored leotard and pink tights with pink ballet slippers or flesh tone tights with flesh tone ballet slippers (ballet slippers or pointe shoes must match the color of the dancer’s tights to elongate the leg line), OR fitted solid color t-shirt or leotard, black tights, and white or black ballet shoes and socks.
  • For modern and jazz classes:  Black tights, leggings, or dance shorts are recommended.
  • For hip-hop classes: dance sneakers are recommended but not required. Please be sure your shoes have clean soles to protect the studio floor.
  • For ballroom classes: character shoes are recommended but not required. Jazz shoes are an acceptable substitute for character shoes.
  • Ballet skirts are permitted at the discretion of the teacher; no leg warmers during class. Warmups and sweatpants will only be permitted in hip-hop classes.
  • Hair must be swept back and secured up from the face. Braids and locs are encouraged but should not exceed a length much lower than the shoulder. The thickness of the braids or locs should allow for a safe, secure, appropriately sized bun that does not move. Dancers with short hair must keep their hair neat, secure and away from the face.
  • Dance socks may be permissible at the discretion of the teacher or choreographer.
  • Modest personal jewelry is permitted as long it does not risk injury to the dancer.

Please bring options! While packing for the National Training Program, be sure to include ballet slippers, jazz shoes, pointe shoes, dance sneakers, and black socks along with an assortment of colored leotards, tights, skirts, etc.



Visiting During the Intensive
Family members and friends are welcome to visit with dancers during their daily midday break. If a dancer intends to leave campus with a family member or friend, a guardian must provide prior permission. Observer passes may also be purchased by family or friends for $50 per day to watch classes and attend meals with NTP attendees throughout the conference.


Final Showing

Saturday, June 28 – Showcase Performance at 2pm
The final day of the NTP includes a Showcase Performance beginning at 2:00pm. Family and friends are invited, and guest tickets may be purchased within your registration. You may add on as many guest tickets as necessary. NTP participants do not require tickets. NTP participants are permitted to leave after the Showcase Performance by car with a legal guardian or other adult whom the legal guardian designates in writing to RDA. 

For those participants departing with a guardian immediately following the showcase on Saturday, June 28, the showcase will conclude by 4pm. You may be on the road by 4:30pm.


  • Arrival by Plane: Please make all airline reservations into the Dayton International Airport (DAY). Please note, if you are flying as an unaccompanied minor, you must notify RDA before you travel so we can plan for your arrival. All flights to the National Training Program should be booked to land at DAY before 2:00pm on Sunday, June 15.
  • Departure by Plane: Please make all airline reservations out of the Dayton International Airport (DAY). Please note, if you are flying as an unaccompanied minor, you must notify RDA before you travel so we can plan for your departure. All flights from the National Training Program should be booked to depart from DAY before 2:00pm on Sunday, June 29.
  • Arrival by Car: Please arrive to the dormitory at Wright State University by mid-afternoon on Sunday, June 15 to check into your room and get settled before the NTP begins.
  • Departure by Car: Please plan to depart from the dormitory at Wright State University. NTP participants are permitted to leave after the Showcase Performance on Saturday, June 28 with a legal guardian or other adult whom the legal guardian designates in writing to RDA. Otherwise, all participants must check out of the dormitory by 12pm on Sunday, June 29.
  • Daily Travel: All NTP classes, meals, and dormitory facilities are within walking distance. Alternative walking paths will be provided in the case of inclement weather. RDA will provide any additional necessary transportation throughout the NTP.

Policies and Important Information for all National Training Program Participants

  • All NTP participants are expected to attend all assigned classes, rehearsals, and performances.
  • NTP participants should monitor their health for potential symptoms of Covid-19, Flu, or any other illness. If any symptoms are displayed, please do not travel to the NTP until you have been tested for Covid-19 or Flu. NTP participants are allowed to wear or not wear masks. Each individualʼs choice will be respected.
  • All NTP participants are expected to be well-behaved, courteous, and honest, and to abide by Federal, State, and Local laws and all rules outlined by Regional Dance America and Wright State University. Failure to do so will result in a loss of privileges, notification to guardians, and/or immediate dismissal with forfeiture of all fees. In addition, if any laws are broken, the appropriate authorities will be contacted.
  • The following are sufficient cause for dismissal from the National Training Program:
    • Unruly behavior
    • Disrespect for University property or personnel
    • Derogatory comments or gestures to anyone
    • Intimidation of others with violence or the threat of violence
    • Use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms or fireworks
    • Tampering with fire alarms or other action that could affect the safety of others
    • Smoking or vaping
  • No chewing of gum is not permitted in any dance classes, rehearsals, or performances.
  • Burning of candles is not permitted in any rooms.
  • No participant may leave the dormitory, dining facilities, or NTP studios by themself and must always check in with Staff when seeking to move from one location to another.
  • Participants are not to touch the belongings of others without permission.
  • Participants are not to enter another participant’s room without permission.
  • Participants who cause excessive difficulties or endanger the health, safety, or welfare of themselves or others will be dismissed from the program immediately with forfeiture of all fees.
  • Any participant who is dismissed for misconduct shall be prohibited from attending all future NTP programs.

Emergency On-site Phone Number
Erika Davis, 603-260-3748

All photos by Gary Taylor Photography